Howdy Class of 2021 and Welcome to Aggieland!
Welcome to Texas A&M University and the Offices of the Dean of Student Life. It is our mission to enhance every student’s opportunity to participate fully in the university experience. We provide an array of information, services, programs and involvement opportunities that facilitate responsible life choices and promote awareness of oneself and of our community. Ultimately, we are here to support our students as they progress toward a future career and a lifetime of learning.
One way we hope to do this is by promoting the adoption of healthy behaviors throughout your time at Texas A&M. This is why we are making the itMatters program available to you. itMatters is a web-based behavioral intervention aimed at targeting the relationship between alcohol use and sexual behaviors of first-year college students. A goal of this study is for researchers to learn more about the relationship between alcohol use and sexual behaviors of college students and their effect on sexually transmitted diseases, as well as how your friendships influence your attitudes and behaviors. This program is optional, but highly encouraged as your input is valuable. If you complete itMatters, you will receive a $10 Amazon gift card!
I strongly encourage you to complete this program and consider being an active participant in this important study. If at any point you complete itMatters and you would like additional resources, please feel free to utilize the resources listed here. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please give us a call (979.845.3111) or email us
Thanks and Gig’Em!
Dr. Anne Reber
Dean of Student Life
Student Counseling Services
Student Health Services
Health Promotion – Offices of the Dean of Student Life
Questions about the itMatters Program Study at Texas A&M University? Contact Lauren Dorsett at 979.845.0280 or
Important Notes: